Manager attributions
Upsert manager attributions bulk
Upsert managers relationships in bulk.
- Transaction: If there is at least one manager relationship that trigger an error at import, we return you an error and import nothing. You have to fix your payload and send it to us again. And if the answer is a success, it means that every managers relationships you sent us have been upserted.
- Conflict Rule and upsert: Be careful, each user can only have one manager for a given period. Given new management dates will override conflicting dates already present in Qobra. Also, if you send a payload with two managers relationship for the same user we’ll send you back an error.
- Limit: you can’t update more than 200 management relationship at a time.
- Error behavior: In case of any error, your manager attributions wont be upserted
The body contains the user data necessary to create a new manager relationship in Qobra
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