
Qobra can connect to your AWS account and synchronize csv files from an S3 bucket.

This integration is readonly and will not write anything in your S3 buckets.

Access & setup

  1. Create the S3 bucket that will hold your synchronized csv files.

  2. Create an AWS policy with the least access needed for the integration to work:

    • s3:ListBucket: lists S3 buckets (among restricted resources)
    • s3:GetObject: retrieves documents from S3 buckets (among restricted resources)

    The policy should look something like this:

    	"Version": "2012-10-17",
    	"Statement": [
    			"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
    			"Effect": "Allow",
    			"Action": [
    			"Resource": [

    Attach the policy to the IAM user or role to give us access to the S3 bucket.

    If you are using resource based policy, make sure the bucket policy is updated accordingly.

  3. Fill in your bucket information in the application:


CSV file requirements

To synchronize a file to Qobra, it must meet requirements:

  • the file has a csv format, with ; separator
  • the file does not change name
  • the file contains a unique identifier column
  • the file contains a name column
  • the date values contained in the file must follow this format: YYYY-MM-DD
  • the user values contained in the file must be emails by default, but it can be changed in app at table creation

Total synchronization

This integrations does total synchronization, meaning the whole document will be synced at every refresh.

Refresh schedule

You can edit this integration synchronization periods in application, to better suit your needs.